Yes,thats the word I have got for the set people who have learn a lot still don't know the simplest of simple things in life.
Wondering what I am speaking about its none other then the state of Drivers on Road creating these unproductive congestion just to satisfy their ego that they were the ones who reached the Congestion Point first ha ha losers real losers pretty soon they come back to earth just to realize that they are ahead of none and its not a 100mts Olympics Race to reach this point. Its simple a futile effort to make life worser for one and all.All that knowledge,all that money, and all that experience,on road has failed to enlighten their small mind to let go their ego,to let go others to drive away understand everyone is getting late to office or back home,but closing all possible outlets on the road doesn't make any sense.
I know I am not perfect with traffic rules,but I am sure am far far sensible. Today morning I was in a middle a terrible congestion from a junction met by 5 Cross Roads 4 of then narrow ones.Vehicles from every direction successful reached the junction.But its just too late,many other have done so sooner only road where vehicles were moving a little was to my left but that to was fast getting filled up by those most irresponsible citizens(The ones I was speaking about in the previous para).The second these people see a queue on road waiting,god gives them the intuition to simple take to the right hand side drive a free passage for those fortunate ones can digest atleast those bikers who come front maybe even those auto guys who were born with a driving license,but never the ones who sit inside those Santros,n Sumos who simply see to that they block any possible route for exit.

Back to the scenario..Road to the left was moving and vehicles are lined up at the road to my right to go through that moving road auto and Qualis try to block that passage from behind me.....
I simply rotated my vehicle 90 degree so that neither of them can block it..Everywhere else its a jam. I thought of the simplest rule to congestion clearance...Block all the routes and clear the one that is most free flowing.
I got a sense of relief and success when I saw a few vehicle move ahead and clear the way..not for too long when someone blocked that simply by moving their car in between,well supported by an auto.I realize that I failed badly,wanted to get down and throw a Stone at the car,but feared that I might get booked on a nuisance case :). Fed up I myself took the left and found my way out between those vehicles just to find a Huge Car blocking the road I had to take...what can I say..."IT ALL HAPPENS ONLY IN INDIA"