Best Friend's Call!!
Not always do you call some one as best friend and end up not hearing his/her voice for a very Long time, by definition it defies the very word Best.On the hindsight, sometime so many things happen in ones life that we never realize that friendship like any other thing in life is bound to change. Probably the friendship itself doesnt but atleast how things are surely does.Coz "Change is the Only Constant thing in Life".
On 19th August 2006 at exactly 5.04pm , when i was at my apartment Party hall celebrating Krishna janmastami my
phone rang. To my surprise, a name which has not appeared on Screen for ages now was displayed as "calling...".
i couldn't believe my good fortune. It was my Best Friend!!!! She stopped speaking with me technically more then a year ago,and literally some months ago.... :).Reasons aplently.!!! Interestingly, two years back , she has wished me for Janmashtami told me I will get lot of Gopikas, and for some reason i ended up getting a few,or maybe not just a few :P.The call was intended to wish me for the recent improvements at my work. Glad that the message had reached her :P. I always wonder how really are we programmed at our mind and what is the role of our heart. It so strangly fascinating
that its our heart that is the Super User of ourselves. How much ever we try to go by mind, we fail to do so. And its really amazing that the ,otherwise monotonously beating heart gets filled with happiness when you hear someone so close.
Whatever it may be, i was a happy and satisfied guy that day. Somehow someone had completed the equation, ascertaining the fact Frienship is indeed a miracle.
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