Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players"

How true is this! In life we live a lot of moments, we cross a lot of people;friends, family, relatives, acquiantances. We speak, we speak our heart out, sometimes we listen, listen intently. We hear about some incidents in their lives, we share our relationships.

Sooner then later, we realize how true is the fact that the whole world is just a stage play. There are chapters in this play. Sometimes some people are on for some scenes and move on to a different play. While some stay, they keep coming and going.

Maybe its not many plays, maybe its just one big play, and every person is seeing the play from their point of view.

We could call it a Movie instead, but that doesnt make sense as movies have retakes,change in scenes, scene deletion,sometime even cast change. While a play is real life, live it,live it till the end.

One would wish life is like a circle, if it can start where it all ended. On the retrospect it does :). Life never ends, When one door closes the other opens. Maybe in this round of the circle you meet different set of people but you still get to live life the way you want.

"All the world's a stage,And all the men and women are Actors", Actors who have the license to act. Ability to cry,laugh, make others laugh,sometime make other cry. Act as if they are happy, act as if they are sad, act as if they are acting.

When I realized this, I feel a deep sense of power within me. I realize that life is totally under my control. My happiness, my sorrow, my goals, my hopes n wishes. Its all contained within me. I have the power to write scripts for all new scene. Correct all the mistakes in past scripts. Redefine my life as I go. I decide whom I am going to act with, I decide who has to leave, and who has to stay always. I choose to expect more, and Its me who decides to compromize. I decide to shout aloud and I choose to stay calm.
I LIVE MY LIFE THE WAY I WANT as the Stage is mine and all others are MERE players.


Anonymous said...

Well said!!!Our happiness, sorrow, goals, hopes, wishes....every thing is under our control. Correcting our past mistakes, becoming a better person and moving on with ppl who really wish good (BTW not pretend/act) and don’t expect anything out of us is smartness in life...

Again recognizing the real GOOD WISHING(WELL WISHERS in othr words) ppl around us is our decision :)

Unknown said...

Nice post Raghav :)loved it!.Every word u have written is so true :).