Aug 10th - The Airport Story.
Its was the day when two of my close friends were leaving abroad for higher studies. Call it coincidence, call it destiny, call it whatever. But to realize the fact it did take me a long time.
I was at the office at around 11pm where my mobile rang, it was the first friend who rang up and spoke the words " hi da, am leaving to US in a few mins" i was dumb struck, i had no clue he was leaving tat day morning itself. I told him, "u shd have called me yesterday da , will surely have come to Airport to send u off" He Replied "its ok". A Sense of Guilt surrounded me, i realize it was me who shd have called him before and asked the details, it was too late, i wished him best of luck.
Its on of those few moments when i realized, how much work has made u move away from Buddies, i want to very badly change this!!! :(
The day proceeded, and night fell. I returned home at around 8pm(surprising my parents a lot)
, my last week average was 10.30pm.
This time around, i knew tat my second friend was leaving and i was all set to send her off, more so over to over come the guilt of the morning. She too was a dear friend as him and we shared lots of nice moments from College life especially doing final year project.
I called her and fixed the timings when i shd be meeting her and where. Initially it was the airport itself, but then later decided to make it to her house so that i can help with the luggages and also get to meet her friends and family.
At around 11pm , I was at her house and as expected it was filled with friends and luggages :). A few of her friends i had met earlier and other were new, hello hi's were exchanged. Then my friend appeared all hep and happening..adapting to US Culture already. We left to the airport at around 11.30pm and the flight was at 1.
Fortunately, her neighbour was a airport employee, he could sneak us through a shortcut right to the airport parking area !!!!!! We were invitied by a crowd trying to enter the port being pushed aways by mighty gaurds. Suddenly the images of 8.00pm NDTV news flashed across my sight, A possible AirBlast was evaded in London and it was causing a roar across the Globe as the blasts were expected to be more voilent the 9/11. Securites were tightened and alerts raised.
It so happened that my friend was flying for the first time and she was not used to the formalities of Airport, not that she cant handle it. but worse was in store.
She bid us bye, and moved through the crowd into the airport, followed by her father and her neighbour who will be allowed to enter along with her ofcourse. After losing sight of her, we[Father,her school friends and myself], move to the right of the entrace, in an attempt to see through the glasses to spot her inside. Unfortunately, the check-in counter she has to go was at the inner side of the building. All we could see was people travelling through Air France. After a little while, i saw a dad n mom frantically waving at probably their son from ouside, but the son never bother to respond even though it looked like he was looking directly at them thorugh the glass, It was then when i realized that its only we who could see inside becoz of the light there and ppl inside dont get to see us, unless the come to the glass and press there head at it.
We waited for a while , and the girls[her school friends] left losing hope of seeing her and moreover it was getting really late for them. Before leaving I got the chance to pull the leg of one of her friend as she was pointing to some Pony Tail Girl inside ,claiming that she used to work with her. :). It was nice fun, she almost hit me,as i kept irritating her.
They left, and its was her father and myself waiting and my friend and the helpful neighbour inside. i could feel the ansiety in her father as it things were getting late, and we were not sure why it was. Few ansious moments passed by, and the neighbour appeared with the message "She is In, will be boarding the flight anytime now alls fine!!". Some relief. He continued "we need to ask her to show the First Flight ticket, as she was changing flights later". I gave her a ring , no reply. Tried again. Her father asked me to try the other number she has. And try, It rings she pick and replies in a hurried voice. I gave the phone to her dad.
It seems that for some reason the Plane has to go via London, and they have got strict command
"NO HAND LUGGAGES" she was carrying a huge bag in hand will all sorts of things. If that bag is going to get checked it , there was no was she is going to get those out again. She had to take out all she would need docs,dress, cash maybe also who knows whe she will get it in hand again. Further the bag was not locked as it was not intended to be checked In. and she had to carry cash and other valuable in that. All she had was a Thin File where she had to keep the documents and all other things. She had no other plastic bag with her. We had absouletly no idea whats in store. The Neighbour tried his best to persuade the security over phone , but in vain. not Allowed was written in the Wall for all passengers.
He then went to the field where he is allowed and to check whats happenning. He found that friend and others standing on the ground waiting for the flight. Due to heave rush the flight was parked some distance away, and these people we going to get taken by a Bus. meanwhile i had to go for a coffee to keep me awake at around 1.15pm :) . He came back and was dissapointed that if he had carried a bag he could have given her.
we called it a day, there was nothing more we could do, she will be all by herself from then on, pursuing her dreams.
Probably it was too much for a first time flyer and a father, whose daughter is leaving abroad for higher studies....probably not, maybe they were always prepared for all this. But, to be part of it and to see it from nearness, it was quiet some experience. realized that in life...
"Small things in life, are more meaningful then the bigger ones!!"